Jackson and Keys (1984, Towards a system of systems methodologies, J. Opl. Res. Soc. 35:473.) sought to provide a "system of systems methodologies" - an alternative framework that would serve a similar purpose to Burrell and Morgan's grid in organizational analysis (1979, Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis. Heinemann, London.) but would be more suited to the language, concerns and internal development of the management and systems science. It was designed to related different systems methodologies to each other on the basis of the assumptions they made about the nature of problem situations or "problem-contexts." In fulfilling this role the system of systems methodologies (SOSM) had an important impact on the establishment of pluralism as an element in critical systems thinking. In order to understand this we need to consider the two axes upon which the SOSM is constructed (see Figure 5.2)
Hubert 2001年開始進修管理科學博士班,在管理領域的各種專業中,對用「系統方法」看管理特別感興趣。 管理問題隨著全球化日益普及,而日趨複雜。依行銷、財務、生產、科技、人資等構面,探討管理問題,似乎越來越難看清問題的本質。 以整體方式看問題的系統方法,考量環境、邊界、資源、元件、互動、回饋、延遲等,試圖提供一個以不同角度看問題的方式。 Hubert做過產業分析師、策略規劃部經理、企劃推廣組組長,面對產業、產品、技術、市場、政策等實務問題,需要一套整體看問題的方法。 先整理Jackson(2000) Systems Approaches to Management作為開始。同時也摘錄Checkland(1999) Systems Thinking, Systems Practice的重點。
2012年1月29日 星期日
2012年1月7日 星期六
SATM 5.2 The Systems Movement
The use of systems ideas in the "problem-solving" mode is worthy of recognition as an independent endeavor fo first ranking important in systems thinking. A contemporary map of the systems movement, based upon this revision of Checkland's guidelines; must therefore show three initial distinctions, as in Figure 5.1.
SATM 5.1 Introduction of Applied Systems Thinking
Inevitably the discussion is in terms of systems methodology. Methodology look at the principles behind the use of models, methods, tools and techniques to provide understanding and, usually in the case of systems thinking, to bring about change.
2012年1月1日 星期日
SATM 2.3 Methodology, Theory, and Practice
We can establish some further important distinctions if we consider the relationships between the concepts of methodology, theory and practice. A good starting point is Checkland's summary of the elements he sees as necessary in any piece of research (Checkland and Holwell, 1998, Information, Systems and Information Systems, Wiley, Chichester.) In Figure 2.1 we see three such elements.
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