The goal subsystem obviously is closely interrelated to other internal subsystems. Choice of goal will have an effect on the technical, human, and managerial subsystems and also upon the best structure to employ. Similarly, each of the other subsystems will affect the nature of the goals pursued and the way they are pursued.
Hubert 2001年開始進修管理科學博士班,在管理領域的各種專業中,對用「系統方法」看管理特別感興趣。 管理問題隨著全球化日益普及,而日趨複雜。依行銷、財務、生產、科技、人資等構面,探討管理問題,似乎越來越難看清問題的本質。 以整體方式看問題的系統方法,考量環境、邊界、資源、元件、互動、回饋、延遲等,試圖提供一個以不同角度看問題的方式。 Hubert做過產業分析師、策略規劃部經理、企劃推廣組組長,面對產業、產品、技術、市場、政策等實務問題,需要一套整體看問題的方法。 先整理Jackson(2000) Systems Approaches to Management作為開始。同時也摘錄Checkland(1999) Systems Thinking, Systems Practice的重點。
2012年3月29日 星期四
2012年3月17日 星期六
SATM Introduction to Contingency Theory
By about 1970 the contingency approach to the study of organizations and their management had become the established paradigm in organization theory.
2012年3月15日 星期四
SATM 6.2.1 Barnard's Systems Thinking
Barnard produced in 1938 an early systems account of the nature of organizations, called The Functions of the Executive. Barnard used a mechanical model to advise executives on how they should sustain organizations in equilibrium by the careful manipulation of inducements to stakeholders.
2012年3月12日 星期一
SATM 6.2 Organizations-as-Systems
"Organizations-as-systems" thinking had its theoretical roots and developed within the disciplines of sociology and management and organization theory. That it has two strands: one dominated by the mechanical analogy and the other by the organismic analogy.
2012年3月4日 星期日
SATM 6.1 Introduction the Functionalist Systems Approach
When functionalist perspective is adopted, systems appear as objective aspects of a reality independent of us as observers. Using the methods of the natural sciences, they are examined in order to discover the laws that govern the relationships between their parts or sub-systems.
SATM 5.5 The Status of Applied Systems Thinking
It seems to be the case that the shelf life of management "fads" is diminishing. "Total Quality Management" (TQM) had a long run but was eventually overtaken by "Business Process Reengineering" (BPR), wich had its today before being replaced by the "Learning Organization", which had its moment, and so on. It is also widely accepted that change programs based on TQM, BPR, "Rightsizing", "knowledge Management", or whatever, fail, in the great majority of cases, to bring the benefits expected.
Systems thinking as a practical approach to problem-solving. Why we should grand high status to applied systems thinking. There are five arguments we might reasonably make at this stage.
Systems thinking as a practical approach to problem-solving. Why we should grand high status to applied systems thinking. There are five arguments we might reasonably make at this stage.
SATM 5.4 Systems Thinking as a Transdiscipline
Systems thinking is then a general term used to denote the theories, methodologies, models, tools and techniques, which are based on systems ideas and concepts and are employed by those who argue for a systems approach.
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