
2012年4月10日 星期二

SATM The Human Subsystem

The role of human beings in organizations is accorded a special status within most contemporary theories of management. Individuals are seen to possess certain needs that must be satisfied if they are to be attracted and encouraged to stay within the organization and if they are to be motivated to give of their best.

However, it is correct to see the human relations thinkers' emphasis upon the human desire for self-realization and self0actualization as legitimate concerns here (McGregor, 1960, The Human Side of Enterprise, McGraw-Hill, New York; Argyris, 1964, Integrating the Individual and Organization, Wiley, New Tork.)

Human relations thinkers have shown that attention should be given to informal groups, to the proper design of jobs and to participation in decision making.

(Jackson, 2000, Systems Approached to Management. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. P112)

