Socio-technical systems theory sees organizations as pursuing primary tasks that can best be realized if their social, technological, and economic dimensions are jointly optimized and if they are treated as open systems and fitted into their environment.
Hubert 2001年開始進修管理科學博士班,在管理領域的各種專業中,對用「系統方法」看管理特別感興趣。 管理問題隨著全球化日益普及,而日趨複雜。依行銷、財務、生產、科技、人資等構面,探討管理問題,似乎越來越難看清問題的本質。 以整體方式看問題的系統方法,考量環境、邊界、資源、元件、互動、回饋、延遲等,試圖提供一個以不同角度看問題的方式。 Hubert做過產業分析師、策略規劃部經理、企劃推廣組組長,面對產業、產品、技術、市場、政策等實務問題,需要一套整體看問題的方法。 先整理Jackson(2000) Systems Approaches to Management作為開始。同時也摘錄Checkland(1999) Systems Thinking, Systems Practice的重點。
2012年5月13日 星期日
SATM Introduction to Socio-technical Systems Theory
The second set of empirical investigations that helped shape the organizations-as-systems perspective were those carried out within the socio-technical systems tradition.
2012年5月11日 星期五
SATM Methodology
Donaldson (1996, The normal science of structural contingency theory, in: Handbook of Organizational Studies, S.R. Clegg, C. Hardy and W.R. Nord, eds., Sage, London.), the leading contemporary advocate of the approach, regards the paradigm of contingency theory as providing a basis for research "leading to the construction of a scientific body of knowledge". The theory underpinning the approach is sociological functionalism: Just as biological functionalism explains the way the organs of the human body are structured so as to contribute to human well-being, so sociological functionalism explains social structures by their functions. That is their contributions to the well-being of society.
2012年5月1日 星期二
SATM Recent Developments
One interesting development in contingency theory has been to see the best way to structure an organization as contingent upon the amount of information processing it has to do, which in turn is dependent on the uncertainty and diversity surrounding its basic task.
SATM The Managerial Subsystem
Management is clearly a functional imperative of efficient and effective organizations, since come management is needed to balance the pulls exerted by the other subsystems and fit the organization into its environment.
SATM Environment
The survival of organizations as open systems depends upon some degree of exchange with outside parties. The higher the degree of environmental uncertainty and turbulence, the more the structure of an organization needs to be adaptive with fluid role structures, co-ordination achieved by frequent meetings, and considerable lateral communication.
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